Thousands of critters with stingers have been discovered, but there are three common species that Pointe Pest Control technicians treat for every year:
Wasps – Vespidae
Wasps are a group of insects that have a skinny body structure with a pinched waist. Many have black and yellow stripes on their abdomens, but there are also metallic and fully black varieties. While there are solitary wasp species, social wasps are common invaders of gardens and suburban areas. The queens become fertilized before the cooler weather to produce the new generation of female workers that will likely die off before the next winter. The two main categories of wasps are predatory and parasitic. The parasitic varieties lay their eggs in living critters to give the larvae a fresh food source, while predatory wasps prefer to kill and share their insect prey with their young.
Hornets – Vespa
The demeanor of a hornet mainly depends on their species. European hornets, known for their red-tinted heads and appendages, are relatively docile until their nest is disrupted. Conversely, baldfaced hornets have white faces and a bad attitude. Both varieties craft their nests out of chewed wooden fibers, but baldfaced hornets keep them high in the trees while European hornets like the hidden spaces in between walls and in attics. The queens overwinter to build their new nests in the spring, which will soon be filled with thousands of hornet workers that take over every constructive task for the remainder of the warm seasons.
Yellow Jackets – Vespula vulgaris
It can be easy to mistake a yellow jacket for another wasp species upon first glance, since they have similar stripes. But yellow jackets are appropriately named, thanks to the blocks of yellow on their abdomens and golden legs. Their body-length wings allow them to zip around their habitat, hunting for protein and sugar. Yellow jackets are often seen hanging around trash cans and containers of sugary beverages, as they enjoy any kind of meat and sweet treat. This is why they also have nickname “meat bees.” These aggressive pests like to keep their nests in hidden spaces along the ground, which makes it unfortunately easy for someone to accidentally unsettle.
Whether the stinging pests in your yard keep their nest in the trees or on the ground, Pointe Pest Control is here to eliminate every defensive pest in the colony.