
The Importance Of Flea & Tick Prevention For Pets

The Importance Of Flea & Tick Prevention For Pets Since our dogs and cats (usually) spend a lot of time outside, it’s only natural that they stumble upon some critters in their space. A rogue squirrel or a fluttery butterfly might catch their eye, especially during the warmer months. But two creepy-crawlies that are easy…

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Can You Solve These 10 Pest-Themed Riddles?

Can You Solve These 10 Pest-Themed Riddles? Brain teasers and puzzles are one of the easiest ways to stretch our brain muscles every day. From the daily crossword in the newspaper to a sudoku puzzle you found online, there are endless possibilities for new puzzle discoveries these days. So, we had a thought: why not…

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How To Prepare For Summer Pests

How To Prepare For Summer Pests Summer is almost here, which means three things: school is almost out, the weather is warming up, and insects are ready to bug us (literally) again. Since insects rely on the temperature for their energy levels — they’re more active in hot weather — they thrive in the summer.…

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6 Pressing Questions About Cicadas

6 Pressing Questions About Cicadas In 17 states, cicadas are making their presence well-known by creating a bunch of noise and flooding yards with their exoskeletons and dead brethren. Illinois and Missouri are two of the impacted states during this emergence, so if you’re seeing an army of cicadas in your backyard, you are not…

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8 Fun Bug-Themed Crafts To Do With Your Kids

8 Fun Bug-Themed Crafts To Do With Your Kids Happy Mother’s Day from Pointe Pest Control! This weekend is all about celebrating the wonderful mother figures in our lives and everything they do for our families. DIY crafts are always a fun way for parents to spend quality time with their children, and there is…

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How To Teach Your Kids About Household Pests

How To Teach Your Kids About Household Pests Being the naturally curious spirits that they are, children ask countless burning questions about the world around them. Encouraging kids to ask questions is extremely beneficial to their development and gives them space to form interests and passions. One such interest - or fear, depending on which…

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The Clear Signs Of A Roach Infestation

The Clear Signs Of A Roach Infestation One of the most dreaded pests across the country, cockroaches are sneaky critters that never seem to know when they’re not wanted. They can survive in a variety of environments and don’t have to live in the “dirty” places we associate with them because of their depictions in…

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Sweet Dreams! The Possible Meanings Of Pest-Themed Dreams

Sweet Dreams! The Possible Meanings Of Pest-Themed Dreams The dreams that consume our minds at night are, quite frankly, all over the place. There are the classics that many people have, like being able to fly or being chased by a strange monster. Then, there are dreams that feel like a full movie playing out…

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Velvet Ants: Why These Wasps Are Adorable Nightmares

Velvet Ants: Why These Wasps Are Adorable Nightmares As a society, it feels like we’ve seen it all when it comes to ants. Whether they’re invading the boxes of sugary cereal that line our pantry shelves or marching in a determined line across the tiled floor, ants seem like a predictable pest. That’s why the…

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5 Pests That Love Your Valentine’s Day Flowers

5 Pests That Love Your Valentine’s Day Flowers Now that Valentine’s Day has come and gone, the only holiday souvenirs are the clearance shelves full of unsold candy and the lovely flower bouquets that adorn our kitchen counters. Red and pink are the customary colors for the day of love, but any type of flower…

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How To Prevent A Rodent Infestation

How To Prevent A Rodent Infestation Rodent infestations may be common occurrences, but that doesn’t make them any more tolerable. Rats and mice are disease-ridden pests that chew through most household materials and contaminate every surface they touch. Since both pests are nocturnal, they do the most damage at night when everyone in the house…

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4 of the Most Common Disease-Carrying Pests

4 of the Most Common Disease-Carrying Pests It’s no secret that pests are not the cleanest creatures in existence. Insects, spiders, and rodents all travel through some pretty nasty places in their pursuit of food and shelter, so they unintentionally collect dangerous pathogens along the way. Pests can transmit diseases to humans both directly (bites…

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Why Is Year-Round Pest Control Important?

Why Is Year-Round Pest Control Important? Every homeowner has their own opinions on professional pest control services. Some believe that the treatments are only necessary when there is a full-on infestation, while others prefer to protect their homes with scheduled services every month or season. If you fall into the first group — or a…

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A Spider trapped under a cup with a white piece of paper under the cup and spider.

Why Do Spiders Love My House So Much?

Why Do Spiders Love My House So Much?   This question is typically asked with an air of frustration after finding what feels like the hundredth spider in your house. Since spiders don’t invade in large groups or create sizable nests, it seems strange to keep finding them scattered throughout your home like leftover Halloween decorations.…

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Common Pantry Pests In Holiday Baking

Common Pantry Pests In Holiday Baking One of the most popular activities during the holiday season is baking desserts, and for good reason. Between the cold weather, increase in social gatherings, and popular seasonal flavors, there is much to love about holiday baking. If you like to bake treats for your loved ones, you likely…

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How Accurate Are These Animated Pests? — Part 3

How Accurate Are These Animated Pests? — Part 3 We have arrived at the finale of our series on the analysis of animated fictional pests! If you missed the previous two blogs, you can read them here and here . Today’s pest is another realistic (or is it?) depiction of an actual creature that…

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How Accurate Are These Animated Pests? — Part 2

How Accurate Are These Animated Pests? — Part 2 Welcome to part 2 in our series on the analysis of animated pests! If you missed the first blog, you can check it out here . Today’s creepy-crawly is another unfortunately common and very real pest, but involved in a completely fantastical plot line. Roaches are…

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How Accurate Are These Animated Pests? — Part 1

How Accurate Are These Animated Pests? — Part 1 Some of the best plots in fictional stories are based on extremely relatable scenarios that generate sympathy from the audience while they are entertained by the painfully realistic plight of the main characters. Case in point: pest problems. In real life, it seems safe to say…

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5 Tips For Pest-Free Thanksgiving Preparation

5 Tips For Pest-Free Thanksgiving Preparation Happy Thanksgiving from Pointe Pest Control! There are plenty of traditions that come with this holiday: a float-filled parade, professional football games, long conversations with friends and family, and more food than anyone can eat in one day. The food itself is arguably the star of the show on…

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The Riskiest Pests On Hiking Trails

The Most Common Pests On Hiking Trails It may sound strange for National Take a Hike Day to be in the middle of November (the 17th, to be exact), but this time of year is actually popular for long hikes. The weather is finally cooling off, the snow and freezing temperatures aren’t consistent yet, and…

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