Edwardsville, IL Spider Control
Live Pest-Free in Edwardsville with Pointe!
Pointe Pest Control Edwardsville is committed to keeping your home pest-free in every season. Our team of experienced and state-certified technicians are dedicated to providing safe and effective pest control services for the Western Illinois and Eastern Missouri areas. If a pest problem is not completely resolved after a visit, our technicians will return until it is eliminated.
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Edwardsville, Illinois Mosquito Control Services
Edwardsville Spider Species
Any spider in the home is an unwelcome presence. They may provide some natural pest control by eating small insects, but this small benefit is not worth keeping a spider around. It’s a good idea to know the basics of the common Edwardsville spiders that could cause even more problems for homeowners due to their venomous bites.
The black widow is possibly the most recognizable spider in the country, thanks to their signature marking. This spider is jet black with an hourglass shape on their abdomens, and this marking can range in color from crimson to red-orange. Black widows are web-builders that prefer to perch on top of their webs and wait to feel the vibrations of nearby prey. They produce large egg sacs that the female sticks to her web and guards until it bursts with hundreds of tiny spiders. The bite from a black widow is one of the most dangerous spider bites in the U.S., so it’s essential to seek immediate medical attention if you or anyone in your home is bitten by this arachnid.
Brown recluses live differently from black widows, but they also deliver a venomous bite that can have lasting health effects on humans if they are not immediately treated. These spiders are hunters and therefore don’t build webs like most spiders we are familiar with, as they would rather hide behind idle objects like furniture and boxes. The brown recluse is also called the fiddleback spider because of the fiddle-like shape on its back. Since it prefers to stay completely hidden from us – hence the “recluse” part of its name – the brown recluse will only bite when it is suddenly disturbed or cornered. Their bite will tear our skin and spread infection throughout the body unless it is properly treated.
Whether you find a black widow, brown recluse, or any other antagonistic arachnid in your home, Pointe Pest Control has the efficient spider solutions for you! Our highly-trained technicians are dedicated to solving each spider problem as efficiently as possible, which is why we only use products that we guarantee are consistently effective against spiders but still safe for both people and pets. Professional spider control is just a call away. For more information on our thorough spider treatments, contact our Edwardsville spider experts today!
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