You Know What Ticks Me Off? Ticks!

It is important to have a tick exterminator like Pointe on-call. While some people don’t think of tick extermination as an option, it is a great way to prevent ticks on your property. The best preventive measures are to avoid tick-infested areas, protect yourself by wearing long-sleeved shirts and socks, apply repellent containing DEET, and inspect your clothing for ticks as you go. However, you may struggle with tick control depending on where you live. It’s important to know that tick treatment is an option.

Do Your Research

When choosing a tick exterminator, remember that some pest control methods can include the use of potentially harmful chemicals. Always check for non-toxic treatments that are safe for your pets, and have them applied by a certified professional. Some pest control companies offer discounts for regular treatments, but be sure to ask about the chemicals they use to kill ticks. Your tick exterminator can advise you on which types of ticks you are likely to encounter in your area and when they will be active. In the case of multiple active species, you may need a year-round tick treatment.

What Does Tick Treatment Cost?

Tick inspections can run between $145 and $300. The cost of a comprehensive tick inspection will depend on the location of your infestation and the space that needs to be treated. The goal of an inspection is to target problem areas. Most tick removal packages include both a pre-extermination evaluation and post-treatment inspection. Stay informed and ask your extermination professional how many visits are required to completely eradicate the ticks. If the infestation is severe, you may need multiple treatments.

Common Kinds of Ticks

After a tick inspection, your tick exterminator will discuss what kind of treatment is needed. You should identify the species and then choose a tick-treatment method based on the type of infestation. Common tick species include the American dog tick, the deer tick, the brown dog tick, and the lone star tick. Rocky Mountain wood ticks, gulf coast ticks, and soft ticks are also common. If you suspect you have a tick infestation, make sure to contact an expert to get rid of it completely.

Once the tick infestation has been identified, your licensed technician will apply a larvacide to eradicate the bugs. The larvacide will kill the tick larvae. Once the larvae have been eliminated, the exterminator will treat the resting adult population that typically gathers in tree lines, shrubs, and tall grass areas. Your licensed tick exterminator may use a variety of methods to eliminate ticks from your property.

Keep Them Out of Your Home

Ticks can catch a ride into your home on you or your pets. These parasitic arachnids are attracted to sweat and carbon dioxide, and they can survive inside your home for up to a few days. The most common places where ticks are found are your armpits, scalp, and groin area. You should be careful to protect your body from tick bites by wearing dark-colored clothing and applying insect repellents whenever you are outside.

Call Pointe!

The best way to eliminate the problem is to contact a tick exterminator in your area. Ticks are especially common in summer and spring, and you should be wary of these pests when spending an extensive amount of time outdoors. Using an exterminator can help prevent you from getting infected with serious diseases. The cost of treatment will depend on how many ticks you have in your area. Call Pointe Pest Control today to get rid of the ticks and protect your home and family.

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