St. Charles, MO Wasps & Bee Control

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Pointe Pest Control St. Charles is committed to keeping your home pest-free in every season. Our team of experienced and state-certified technicians are dedicated to providing safe and effective pest control services for the Western Illinois and Eastern Missouri areas. If a pest problem is not completely resolved after a visit, our technicians will return until it is eliminated.

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St. Charles, Missouri Wasp & Bee Control Services

Stinging Pest Species Of St. Charles

The temperaments and preferences of stinging insects vary greatly with the species. Wasps are more aggressive than bees, and bald-faced hornets are more hostile than both of them combined. This is precisely why it is essential to know the difference between common St. Charles species. Every pest problem can be handled by the capable technicians of Pointe Pest Control, but it is still a good idea to be aware of the species hanging around your home. There are many different kinds of stinging insects in this city, and two species in particular seem to cause the most problems for St. Charles residents. 

Paper wasps sound like a harmless insect, but they are one of the most aggressive species when their nest is disturbed in any way. They also have different color patterns that make it easy to confuse them for other stinging insects, as paper wasps can be brown, black and yellow, or brown and yellow. These pests love to overwinter in our homes before emerging in the spring to build a new nest. They can invade through holes in window and door screens, gaps around doors, and cracks in the siding. Their nests are made of a papery material that is a combination of wood fiber and their saliva, and they like to keep these elevated in trees and on overhangs. Although paper wasps will not simply attack us out of spite, their stings are painful enough to make anyone understandably want to stay far from these pests.

Yellow jackets are easy to mistake for basic wasps since they have the same yellow-and-black striped pattern. One key way to discern the difference is to look a little closer at the coloring; yellow jackets have larger blocks of yellow on their legs and abdomens. They can fly faster than many types of wasps due to their body-length wings, so they can quickly catch up with anyone who disturbs their nests. Speaking of which, these nests are hidden along the ground and can even be underground in some areas. Yellow jackets earned their nickname of “meat bees” for their annoying habit of hovering around any kind of meat or protein-packed food, like pet food and barbecued meats. They hunt for anything rich in sugar or protein in order to sustain their colony with enough energy to maintain their nest and forage for even more food later. 

No matter which stinging insect is giving you problems, Pointe Pest Control has the efficient solutions for you. Between our thorough inspections and our customized treatment plans, we guarantee that we will get to the root of your stinging pest issue as soon as possible. Contact us for more information on our clean treatments and to learn about the Pointe Difference in our St. Charles pest control services.

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We know a pest infestation can be a terrible experience, that is why we do everything in our power to get rid of pests quickly and efficiently.

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