St. Charles, MO Termite Control

Live Pest-Free St. Charles with Pointe!

Pointe Pest Control St. Charles is committed to keeping your home pest-free in every season. Our team of experienced and state-certified technicians are dedicated to providing safe and effective pest control services for the Western Illinois and Eastern Missouri areas. If a pest problem is not completely resolved after a visit, our technicians will return until it is eliminated.

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St. Charles, Missouri Termite Control Services

The Hierarchy Of Termites

Termites are eusocial insects, meaning they live in colonies that are derived from one queen each and are separated into classes. There are three classes (or castes) in termite colonies, and each one has a specific job that helps the group to continue surviving and thriving. 

Worker termites make up the largest class in the colony. They are responsible for chewing tunnels in the wood that the group invaded and enlarging the general nest area as the population grows. Workers have strong mandibles that can cut through just about any kind of natural wood. They have other jobs that greatly benefit the colony, such as caring for the young, cleaning the nest, foraging, and constructing rooms.

Soldiers are just what you think. They stand guard at the ends of the carved tunnels and ensure that the only critters entering and exiting are the termites of this colony. They have strong, sharp mandibles that help them fight any invasive species that tries to sneak past. Soldier termites do not have great eyesight, so they check each insect by smelling their pheromones and ensuring that it matches those of their queen. 

The smallest caste, reproductive swarmers are responsible for growing the population of their colony. They will live in their home colony until they are grown and can mate outside of their original tunnels. The swarmers will then search for a new nesting location in a different wood-based area, then shed their wings and begin laying eggs. The hatched eggs will take on the other roles in the colony, while the queen continues laying eggs for the remainder of her 15-to-20-year-long life span.   

There is no doubt about the fact that termites are hard workers. However, they are no match for the dedicated technicians of Pointe Pest Control. Our St. Charles team is experienced in solving even the most overwhelming of termite problems, and we are prepared to eliminate your termite infestation any time of year. We guarantee 100% satisfaction with every service, so give us a call to learn more about our clean termite solutions today!

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Initial Service

We use EPA-approved products that target multiple pests without the use of dangerous chemicals.

Quarterly Treatments

Our Preventative Pest Control Service includes quarterly treatments with Free Callbacks.

Pest-Free Guarantee

With this service, we treat over 40 different pests. We always guarantee our results and are happy to help!

Say Goodbye To Your Termite Worries With Pointe!

5-Star Service

We speak Customer Service. Our technicians are here to provide you with the best service possible. We even offer Free-Callbacks.

Pest-Free GUarantee

Our technicians undergo extensive training with the latest techniques to ensure a Pest-Free Home. We know all the right places to look.

Guaranteed Results

We know a pest infestation can be a terrible experience, that is why we do everything in our power to get rid of pests quickly and efficiently.

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